

根据(Sardeshmukh and Hoskins 1988)的研究:

大气中的大尺度辐散风场主要与非绝热加热不均匀及大地形有关,异常涡度源基本上代表了定常的外部强迫源对大气定常行星波的强迫,对流层上层定常辐散场所产生的涡度源即为Rossby波,分析异常涡度源的分布可以了解大气定常行星波产生的源地和机制。(An et al. 2022)

在本节中,我们分析了由EOF表示的两种波列的可能动力学。图4a和4e显示了250 hPa ndj平均Rossby波源在PC1和PC2上的回归图,以及回归后的涡度异常。在图4b - 4d中,图4a所示的罗斯比波源被分解为三个贡献(方程4):异常辐散作用于气候绝对涡度(S1)的拉伸效应the stretching effect by anomalous divergence acting on the climatological absolute vorticity,异常辐散风对气候绝对涡度的平流作用(S2) advection of the climatological absolute vorticity by anomalous divergent wind,涡度异常与气候辐散风相关的项terms related to vorticity anomalies and the climatological divergent winds (S3 +S4)。

这些涡度源主要来自于异常辐合anomalous convergence (图4b中黑色虚线)对气候绝对涡度(图4c中红色等高线)的拉伸效应stretching effect (S1),而异常辐合与异常向北辐散风anomalous northward divergent winds (图4c)有关。赤道东太平洋和墨西哥湾上空的异常向北辐散风可能是由El Niño和相关的太平洋/北美遥相关通过赤道东太平洋(Weng et al., 2007)和美国东南部的过度降水造成的异常上升引起的(Leathers et al., 1991).。
这些异常的向极辐散风产生了异常辐合,在副热带东太平洋和加拿大西海岸上空成为罗斯比波源(图4c)。这进一步说明El Niño可能诱发pc1相关的波列。与气候态辐散风有关的S3和S4项对Rossby波强迫起次要作用(图4d)。相比之下,与EOF2相关的罗斯比波源在副热带东太平洋和加拿大东海岸上空较弱(图4e-4h)。



Wang, G., Hendon, H.H., Arblaster, J.M., Lim, E.-P., Abhik, S., Van Rensch, P., 2019. Compounding tropical and stratospheric forcing of the record low Antarctic sea-ice in 2016. Nature Communications 10..

An, Xiadong, Wen Chen, Shuo Fu, Peng Hu, Chun Li, and Lifang Sheng. 2022. “Possible Dynamic Mechanisms of High- and Low-Latitude Wave Trains Over Eurasia and Their Impacts on Air Pollution Over the North China Plain in Early Winter.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127 (13): e2022JD036732.
Sardeshmukh, Prashant D., and Brian J. Hoskins. 1988. “The Generation of Global Rotational Flow by Steady Idealized Tropical Divergence.” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 45 (7): 1228–51.<1228:TGOGRF>2.0.CO;2.

; calculate RWS
;using method:load "D:\Research\Code\def_RWS.ncl"

;维度为4维:time lev lat lon
;输入u v异常和平均场
;anomaly:u_pert v_pert
;basic :u_bst    v_bst

function RWS(u_pert[*][*][*][*]:numeric,u_bst[*][*][*][*]:numeric,v_pert[*][*][*][*]:numeric,v_bst[*][*][*][*]:numeric)
local dName,vrc_bst,vrc_pert,va_bst,va_pert,div_pert,win_pert,div_bst,win_pert,uad_pert,vad_bst,uad_bst,vad_bst,dvs_pert,dvs_nst,grdv_pert,gdvy_bst,gdvx_bst
dName = getvardims(u_pert)
if (any(ismissing(dName(1:)))) then
print("fatal: def_RWS: requires that all the rightmost dimensions be named")
end if
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; prepare for RWS calculation
; --------------------------------------------------------------
;  Coriolis parameter

f = coriolis_param(u_pert&lat)

;----->relative vorticity
;(highly accurate spherical harmonics)
;input values must be in ascending latitude order
;This procedure does not handle missing values
;(defined by the _FillValue attribute).
vrc_bst = uv2vrF_Wrap(u_bst,v_bst)
vrc_bst@long_name = "relative vorticity"
vrc_bst@units = "1/s" 

vrc_pert= uv2vrF_Wrap(u_pert,v_pert)
vrc_pert@long_name = "relative vorticity"
vrc_pert@units = "1/s" 
;----->absolute vorticity
va_bst = vrc_bst + conform(vrc_bst, f, 2)
va_pert = vrc_pert + conform(vrc_bst, f, 2)

copy_VarCoords(u_pert, va_bst)
copy_VarCoords(u_pert, va_pert)

;---->calculate wind divergence
div_pert = uv2dvF_Wrap(u_pert,v_pert) ;divergence
win_pert = dv2uvF_Wrap(div_pert) ;Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components

div_bst = uv2dvF_Wrap(u_bst,v_bst)
win_bst = dv2uvF_Wrap(div_bst)

;The results are returned in an array dimensioned 2 x N x nlat x nlon,
;where the 0-th point of the leftmost dimension contains the u component
;and the 1-th point of the leftmost dimension contains the v component (both in ascending latitude order).

uad_pert = win_pert(0,:,:,:,:) ;u分量
vad_pert = win_pert(1,:,:,:,:) ;v分量

uad_bst = win_bst(0,:,:,:,:)
vad_bst = win_bst(1,:,:,:,:)

dvs_pert = uv2dvF_Wrap(uad_pert,vad_pert)
dvs_bst = uv2dvF_Wrap(uad_bst,vad_bst)
;----->Compute the meridional and zonal gradients
;It contains two arrays.
;Element [0] contains the meridional gradient
;and element [1] contains the zonal gradient.

;▽ano relative vorticity
grdv_pert = grad_latlon_cfd(vrc_pert, u_pert&lat, u_pert&lon, True, False)

;▽basic relative vorticity
gdvx_bst = grad_latlon_cfd(vrc_bst,vrc_bst&lat,vrc_bst&lon,True, False)
;▽basic absolute vorticity
gdvy_bst = grad_latlon_cfd(va_bst,va_bst&lat,va_bst&lon,True, False)

rws = (-uad_bst *grdv_pert[1]-vad_bst *grdv_pert[0] -uad_pert*gdvx_bst[1] -vad_pert*gdvy_bst[0]-vrc_pert*dvs_bst-va_bst*dvs_pert )*1e11
copy_VarCoords(u_pert, rws)

